Saturday, 24 February 2007


What a nightmare - it's been a day surrounded by Frenchies. I flew from Aberdeen early this morning and had to change flights at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. Because I'm rather tired now, I'm not going to unleash my full fury on this diabolical shambles of an airport, with perhaps the longest and most pointless queues I have ever witnessed, but let's just say that I would fully support a terrorist act upon it.

I only just made my flight to Nouakchott, Mauritania, and have barely scratched the surface of this city, but I have a kind of liking for it already. It seems quite peaceful, certainly compared to other recent places I've been (I think Lagos springs to mind). However, everyone does speak French, and I don't speak French. Though I learnt French for four years in school, every time I try to say something I end up speaking Korean by mistake. Clearly, this is no good.

Oh, and this will probably surprise nobody, but I flew Air France and they lost my luggage. Not all of it, thankfully, but one box containing equipment. Obviously, this equipment was rather important, and without it I can't work. I don't know if the rig is waiting on me, but if they are then I think each day costs about $400,000 to run. This could be quite an expensive holiday in the sun.

In a moment of clear thinking, I bought a Teach-Yourself French book yesterday; unfortunately it appears to be pish. So I would welcome any useful suggestions on French phrases I could use here. French Claire especially - what is the French for "Would you rather eat a muffin or meet a puffin?"


swishfish said...

"Ma poubelle est tres, tres rouge" is an everyday phrase that will lighten any situation.

Nev 360 said...

Reminds me of a French poem that Cheesman reminded me that I'd created when we were in Chemistry class in school:

Un placard dans la salle de bans
Un placard dans la cuisine
Il est tres, tres grand
Un placard dans l'ouisine!

Anonymous said...

GARY WILMOT IS THE BEST MUSICIAN EVER. He sings my kind of music! He plays like a dream! If I ever met this singing TV sensation I would surely scream the loudest you've ever heard. He's even better than the Olsen Twins, except the anorexic drug addict - she's lovely!