Sunday, 15 April 2007

Update From The Rig

Wireline crew snapped cable (schoolboy error) so no SRO though fortunately no tool damage as it was in the catcher and we'd not yet RIH, but a routine check led to unfortunate galling of threads. Backup MDL unreliable - water damage - so had to do improvised job on mangled threads with help of mechanic and will swap housing and adaptor in the lubricator on Monday. All providing we get the go ahead for SRO - by no means certain as company man seems to have very little faith in the wireline crew. Whatever, hope to be off in less than a week.


swishfish said...

You need to get off that rig if this is what it has done to your articulate prose style. Nigeria is sucking the life out of you. YOU MUST ESCAPE.

Eileen said...

Yeah if you could have the SRO done ASAP I would be LOL and then you could BRB in Scotland.